

Consider using a builder pattern when faced with classes that have constructors that take a large number of parameters.

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I recently gave a try to reverse engineering a database into entity classes by using Hibernate Tools. And it is quite cool.

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When using an XML file as a datasource for a report designed with iReport-Designer for JasperReports, you sometimes want to add an image, which also should be retrieved from the XML datasource. For this, we have to first find a way to represent that image in the XML file, and then, interpret it from there […]

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Uploading a file in a project using GWT/EXT-GWT can be done in 2 ways : creating a separate servlet or using a library like the one presented here. Normally, because of browser security restrictions you can’t upload a file using RPC. But normally doesn’t mean never. This article will show you how to upload files […]

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jColibri is a Java framework developed for designing and implementing Cased Based Reasoning  (CBR) applications.  CBR is the process of solving new problems based on the solutions from past problems and has been developed by Roger Schank together with his students from the Yale University in the early 1980. Since then, CBR has become one […]

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Building an internationalized application with GWT and UI Binder requires some steps to be followed: For every <ui:UiBinder> tag inside each view, the following attributes need to be provided

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If you are looking for a straightforward file upload solution in your Google Web Toolkit/Ext GWT based project, this article might help you. The problem with uploading files in such an application is that we can’t use the GWT RPC infrastructure for this. On the server side, the RemoteServiceServlet expects the request to be a […]

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Regular expressions (or regexp) are used in programming to identify a template, a model, or elements that repeat in a predictable manner. They are a special sequence of characters that help you match or find strings or sets of strings, using a specialized syntax. Regular expressions reduce development time, because it takes only one line […]

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This article will briefly describe how to create a JAX-WS webservice with JBoss 5.1 and how to avoid JAXB serialization/deserialization problems that might arise during the deploy process of the webservice.

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Suddenly, when restarting Liferay, the ROOT webapp was not anymore the first one that got started (it was the 4th or 5th). Because of this, all the portlets that make use of Liferay’s main services did not start correctly also. These portlets were started before ROOT.

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