How to create a SQL Server Agent Job (Transact-SQL) – with only needed fields


In this post you will see two major sections:

I. Detailed description for every needed field in system stored procedures.

II. Full working example related to above description. Here you need only to replace the names if the default configuration is suitable.

I. To create a SQL Server Agent job you need the folowing system stored procedures to be executed. Please note that the order of execution is important.

  1. Declarations and initialization
  2. USE msdb
    DECLARE @JobId uniqueidentifier
    DECLARE @ServerName VARCHAR(200)
    DECLARE @ScheduleUID uniqueidentifier
    DECLARE @ScheduleId INT
    SELECT @ServerName = 'ServerName'
    SELECT @DBName = N'DatabaseName'
  3. Execute sp_add_job to create a job
  4. EXEC sp_add_job
    @job_name = N'My Sql Job',

    The name of the job. The name must be unique and cannot contain the percent (%) character. job_name is nvarchar(128), with no default

    @enabled = 1,

    Indicates the status of the added job. enabled is tinyint, with a default of 1 (enabled). If 0, the job is not enabled and does not run according to its schedule; however, it can be run manually.

    @description = N'My Job Description',

    The description of the job. description is nvarchar(512), with a default of NULL. If description is omitted, “No description available” is used.

    @owner_login_name = 'sa',
    --should be left like this to not have problems with user rights
    @job_id = @jobid OUTPUT
  5. Execute sp_add_jobstep to create one or more job steps
  6. EXEC sp_add_jobstep
    @job_id = @JobId,

    The identification number of the job to which to add the step. job_id is uniqueidentifier, with a default of NULL.

    @step_id = 1,

    The sequence identification number for the job step. Step identification numbers start at 1 and increment without gaps. If a step is inserted in the existing sequence, the sequence numbers are adjusted automatically. A value is provided if step_id is not specified. step_id is int, with a default of NULL.

    @step_name = N'SQL Job Step 1',

    The name of the step. step_name is sysname, with no default.

    @subsystem = N'TSQL',

    The subsystem used by the SQL Server Agent service to execute command. subsystem is nvarchar(40), and can be one of these values.

    Value Description
    CMDEXEC Operating-system command or executable program
    DISTRIBUTION Replication Distribution Agent job
    SNAPSHOT Replication Snapshot Agent job
    LOGREADER Replication Log Reader Agent job
    MERGE Replication Merge Agent job
    QueueReader Replication Queue Reader Agent job
    ANALYSISQUERY Analysis Services query (MDX, DMX).
    ANALYSISCOMMAND Analysis Services command (XMLA).
    Dts Integration Services package execution
    PowerShell PowerShell Script
    TSQL‘ (default) Transact-SQL statement
    @command = N'EXEC StoredProc',

    The commands to be executed by SQLServerAgent service through subsystem. command is nvarchar(max), with a default of NULL. SQL Server Agent provides token substitution that gives you the same flexibility that variables provide when you write software programs.

    @on_success_action = 1, --Quit with success(default)

    The action to perform if the step succeeds. success_actionis tinyint, and can be one of these values.

    Value Description (action)
    1 (default) Quit with success
    2 Quit with failure
    3 Go to next step
    4 Go to step on_success_step_id
    @on_fail_action = 2, --Quit with failure(default)
    @database_name = @DBName,

    The name of the database in which to execute a Transact-SQL step. database is sysname, with a default of NULL, in which case the master database is used. Names that are enclosed in brackets ([ ]) are not allowed. For an ActiveX job step, the database is the name of the scripting language that the step uses.

    @database_user_name = NULL -- job owner's user context
  7. Execute sp_add_schedule to create a schedule
  8. EXEC sp_add_schedule
    @schedule_name = N'Sth schedule',

    The name of the schedule. schedule_nameis sysname, with no default.

    @enabled = 1,

    Indicates the current status of the schedule. enabledis tinyint, with a default of 1 (enabled). If 0, the schedule is not enabled. When the schedule is not enabled, no jobs will run on this schedule.

    @freq_type = 4, --daily

    A value indicating when a job is to be executed. freq_typeis int, with a default of 0, and can be one of these values.

    Value Description
    1 Once
    4 Daily
    8 Weekly
    16 Monthly
    32 Monthly, relative to freq_interval
    64 Run when SQLServerAgent service starts
    128 Run when the computer is idle
    @freq_interval = 1, --every day

    The days that a job is executed. freq_interval is int, with a default of 1, and depends on the value of freq_type.

    Value of freq_type Effect on freq_interval
    1 (once) freq_interval is unused.
    4 (daily) Every freq_interval days.
    8 (weekly) freq_interval is one or more of the following (combined with an OR logical operator):

    1 = Sunday

    2 = Monday

    4 = Tuesday

    8 = Wednesday

    16 = Thursday

    32 = Friday

    64 = Saturday

    16 (monthly) On the freq_interval day of the month.
    32 (monthly relative) freq_interval is one of the following:

    1 = Sunday

    2 = Monday

    3 = Tuesday

    4 = Wednesday

    5 = Thursday

    6 = Friday

    7 = Saturday

    8 = Day

    9 = Weekday

    10 = Weekend day

    64 (when SQLServerAgent service starts) freq_interval is unused.
    128 freq_interval is unused.
    @freq_subday_type = 0x8, --hours

    Specifies the units for freq_subday_interval. freq_subday_typeis int, with a default of 0, and can be one of these values.

    Value Description (unit)
    0x1 At the specified time
    0x2 Seconds
    0x4 Minutes
    0x8 Hours
    @freq_subday_interval = 1, --each hour

    The number of freq_subday_type periods to occur between each execution of a job. freq_subday_intervalis int, with a default of 0. freq_subday_interval is ignored in those cases where freq_subday_type is equal to 1. Note: Interval should be longer than 10 seconds.

    @active_start_date = '20110610', --YYYYMMDD

    The date on which execution of a job can stop. active_end_dateis int, with a default of 99991231, which indicates December 31, 9999. Formatted as YYYYMMDD.

    @active_start_time = '130600', --HHMMSS

    The time on any day between active_start_date and active_end_date to begin execution of a job. active_start_timeis int, with a default of 000000, which indicates 12:00:00 A.M. on a 24-hour clock, and must be entered using the form HHMMSS.

    @owner_login_name = NULL, --owned by creator

    The name of the server principal that owns the schedule. owner_login_name is sysname, with a default of NULL, which indicates that the schedule is owned by the creator.

    @schedule_uid = @ScheduleUID OUTPUT,
    @schedule_id = @ScheduleId OUTPUT
  9. Execute sp_attach_schedule to attach a schedule to the job
  10. EXEC sp_attach_schedule
    @job_id = @JobId,
    @schedule_id = @ScheduleId
  11. Execute sp_add_jobserver to set the server for the job
  12. EXEC sp_add_jobserver
    @job_id = @JobId,
    @server_name = @ServerName
  13. Optional you can delete the job
  14. EXEC sp_delete_job @job_name = N'Job Name'

    Either job_id or job_namemust be specified; both cannot be specified.

Here you can find more datails about rest of the fields from system stored procedures.

A real example from our projects:

USE msdb
DECLARE @JobId uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @ServerName VARCHAR(200)
SELECT @ServerName = 'your server name'
SELECT @DBName = N'your database name'
EXEC sp_add_job
@job_name = N'your job name',
@enabled = 1,
@description = N'your job description',
@owner_login_name = 'sa', --should be left like this to not have problems with user rights
@job_id = @jobid OUTPUT
EXEC sp_add_jobstep
@job_id = @JobId,
@step_id = 1,
@step_name = N'SQL Job Step 1',
@subsystem = N'TSQL',
@command = N'Exe',
@on_success_action = 1, --Quit with success
@on_fail_action = 2, --Quit with failure
@database_name = @DBName,
@database_user_name = NULL -- job owner's user context
EXEC sp_add_schedule
@schedule_name = N'your schedule',
@enabled = 1,
@freq_type = 4, --daily
@freq_interval = 1, --every day
@freq_subday_type = 0x8, --hours
@freq_subday_interval = 1, --each hour
@active_start_date = '20110610', --YYYYMMDD
@active_start_time = '130600', --HHMMSS
@owner_login_name = NULL, --owned by creator
@schedule_uid = @ScheduleUID OUTPUT,
@schedule_id = @ScheduleId OUTPUT
EXEC sp_attach_schedule
@job_id = @JobId,
@schedule_id = @ScheduleId
EXEC sp_add_jobserver
@job_id = @JobId,
@server_name = @ServerName
--EXEC sp_delete_job @job_name = N'your sql job'

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