Ropardo Solutions


Discover how ROPARDO’s innovative AI-based computer vision technology for edge computing stole the spotlight at Hannover Messe 2024. Learn about its real-time object and people-counting capabilities and the promising industry partnerships forged at this prestigious event.

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Mastering Bug Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying and Resolving Software Defects A “bug” in computing refers to an error, flaw, or fault in a program that causes it to function incorrectly. According to Wikipedia, “A computer bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from working […]

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Brief Introduction The ever-accelerating pace of technological evolution presents both challenges and opportunities in the realm of custom software development. At Ropardo, we not only recognize these changes but proactively adapt and innovate to meet the demands of this rapidly transforming landscape. In today’s tech world where IT professionals are in a constant cycle of […]

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In today’s digital age, Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is often collected and stored by organizations, and it is important for us to understand the types of information that constitute PII, how it is collected, and how it is protected. In this article, we will explore what PII is, examples of PII, how it is collected, […]

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Overview We have been living in the digital age for some time now, and it continues to transform how we live and work. Businesses of all sizes understand the opportunities and challenges associated with this fast-paced digital environment and the subject seems to be more in focus than ever. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) face […]

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Application programming interfaces (APIs) play an important role in modern applications, in the operations that organizations conduct regularly such as importing or exporting data between different applications. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO DEFINE KPIs IN THE FIRST PLACE? Key performance indicators (KPIs) for APIs are defined based on the business strategy of the organization. If […]

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Looking back at 2021 we now understand how much learning we had and finally see the growth. Repeated changes, happening more intensely as a reaction to an abrupt 2020, challenged our capacity to adapt, both as employees and employers. What did we do? What we always do – learn and develop from this transition. So […]

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ROPARDO software engineering offers development services with innovative and cost-effective solutions based on Liferay portal platform including versions Liferay DXP/7, 6.2, 6.1 and later. We deliver worldwide end-to-end Liferay portal development services, including, Liferay customization, Liferay theme development, Liferay portlet development, Liferay upgrade and Liferay migration.

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  Open Source Software Development: Secure and Stable Professionals at Ropardo will deal just as well both with open-source and enterprise edition software. Most often the choice is made after setting functional and technical requirements, and forecasting the development time, the maintenance effort and the budget. The term open source refers to software whose source […]

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Our team has proved its capabilities and skills in implementing Notes and Domino applications. We deliver to our clients quick results and value for money and return on investment.

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