Don’t Cut the User from User Experience


Sibiu Web Meetup #17 is one of the most interesting meetups so far because it tackles a topic of wide concern these days in the context of a massive digital transformation of almost any activity. That is why User Experience is a topic of ongoing interest not just in web development and web design, but in way more areas of competences, such as marketing or human resources, and all industries that seek to extend their product portfolio to serve USERS.

Quality user experience can sometimes be more than just a fluid journey through the software product. There are domains where user experience is crucial, making the difference between success and fail or even life and death, such as in healthcare.

User Experience is a mindset – this is what we could easily conclude when listening to our invitee Andreea, a UX professional on duty. Why is it important? How to keep it in the web experience at all times and all phases of the development project? How not to lose it from sight during the development process? How to allow the user create his or her own experience in the application or device they use? All answers to these questions revolve around two main concepts: user research and usability testing. It is by keeping them in mind and in practice that we can ensure a quality user experience.

But we will let you discover more about all this on your own from the recording we keep for our subscribers on our Youtube channel.

As for ourselves, we can notice in our development and QA teams that usability testing is gaining the attention and investment needed both from the part of developers and clients. Also, focusing on the user also eliminates conflicts in the team and contrasting personal opinions, because everybody works for the user’s benefit.


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