Fix for Internet Explorer 6 duplicate characters bug


Internet Explorer 6 or any other version has been and still is every Web Developer’s nightmare when it comes to designing even the most basic CSS for a website. Fortunately, with the release of Internet Explorer 8, most of the IE6’s past bugs have been fixed and slowly, but sure, Microsoft is getting Internet Explorer […]

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This article was written to emphasize some of advantages and disadvantages of  using  jQuery. What is jQuery? jQuery is a small JavaScript library that includes support for manipulating the DOM, supports AJAX and it provides some basic graphical effects. The functionality can be enhanced with plugins. Compared with other toolkits,  jQuery aims to change the […]

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Last week I began working on a project for the Lotus Notes platform. This project was designed for learning purposes, in order to understand the concepts of Lotus Notes. The application is composed of two forms, one for items and one for categories .

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Software Measurement is a discipline of Software Engineering which allows us to quantify, measure different characteristics of the software product. Applying measures for software development can prove to be useful because it allows us to deal with the three major problems encountered in software development: uncertainty, irreversibility and complexity. This is a short introduction into […]

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I have recently attended a lecture on Agile Methods at the University of Bolzano, Italy. Jutta Eckstein, an expert on Agile Software Development, held an interesting introductory course on Agile Software Process Management at the CASE Summer School (2009). Based on her lecture, I decided to make a short presentation about what Agile Methods means.

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Concurrency Several clients sharing a resource Contention Multiple users try to access a resource at the same time resulting in waits or event deadlocks. Deadlocks A deadlock occurs when two or more transactions are both in a wait state, with each one waiting for the other to release a lock before it proceeds.

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AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.) is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards. AJAX’s intention is to make web pages become faster and therefore more accepted, by doing background exchange of some small amounts of data with the server, in order to avoid the page to be reloaded on […]

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Several issues appeared when dealing (or not) with enconding in Python scripting. As a basic information in Python there are two types of string: unicode and byte strings. In theory everything in Python is treating Unicode strings the same as byte strings, but you have to be carefull in your code and understand when you […]

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Often it is useful to showcase a web application to potential customers allowing them to live test the application features. For this you need to publish and maintain a demo version with some relevant base data. A service application, triggered to run at a given time, basicly will clean the database by restoring it from […]

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In almost every project there is need for code that converts one object type to another or provides custom formatting for output. Until C# 3.0 this was usually done by creating a wrapper class with static methods or worst by writing inline code that made those transformations on the spot. With C# 3.0 Microsoft introduced […]

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