Have you ever thought of it as a way of establishing your unique identity? Well, our unique typing behavior is a way of identifying a person and it is currently exploited by identity and access management solutions.
Have you ever thought of it as a way of establishing your unique identity? Well, our unique typing behavior is a way of identifying a person and it is currently exploited by identity and access management solutions.
1. ORGANIZATORUL CONCURSULUI 1.1. Organizatorul Concursului “Sibiu Web Meetup 2022” (denumit în continuare “Concurs”) este SC ROPARDO SRL (denumită în continuare „Ropardo” sau „Organizatorul”), cu sediul în mun. Sibiu, Str. Reconstrucției, nr. 2A, jud. Sibiu, înmatriculată la Registrul Comerţului Sibiu sub nr. J32/403/1994, cod unic de înregistrare RO 5415866, telefon 0269231037, e-mail: office [at] ropardo […]
We might say that a year of remote working has taught us all we need to know about online collaboration, online teams, online work, online everything. Well, it has indeed, but … what if we bring third parties, like schools and students, in the picture? The trigger: We don’t say NO to challenges Our contest […]
Digitalization in manufacturing already made the leap from innovation to everyday use with increased productivity and healthier workers as key benefits. Coined in 2002 by Dr. Michael Grieves, one of the most recent opportunities for industry development is the digital twin technology. The digital twin is a digital or virtual replica of a physical object […]
Here we are at the end of another year, the perfect time to look back to what we did right and what we did wrong, take the lessons out of both and attack 2020. Validation for this year’s commitment to innovation The society is our inspiration for innovating. We stay close to present needs of […]
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