

The System.Diagnostics namespace contains five groups of classes that can help an programmer to debug and trace .NET applications. This five groups of classes have following uses : debugging tracing using of Windows event log performance monitoring process controlling This article will review the Debugger and Debug classes contained by first group of System.Diagnostics namespace.

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In order to feed calendar clients (like MS Outlook, Google Calendar) it is required to supply a plain text file with the ‘.ics’ extension.

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As we already discussed in a previous article we started to rewrite one of our custom ASP Controls in order to improve server and network load. During this process we transformed most of old JavaScript functions to jQuery. Please bear in mind that the objective was not to improve script performance and jQuery scripts may […]

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The Visual Studio Code Snippets feature allows very simple, common, code blocks to be reused without requiring the same thing to be typed out repeatedly, or copied and hacked. The Code Snippets feature allows inserting code, wrapping existing code and replacement of key parts of the Snippet.

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This article was written to emphasize some of advantages and disadvantages of  using  jQuery. What is jQuery? jQuery is a small JavaScript library that includes support for manipulating the DOM, supports AJAX and it provides some basic graphical effects. The functionality can be enhanced with plugins. Compared with other toolkits,  jQuery aims to change the […]

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Often it is useful to showcase a web application to potential customers allowing them to live test the application features. For this you need to publish and maintain a demo version with some relevant base data. A service application, triggered to run at a given time, basicly will clean the database by restoring it from […]

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In almost every project there is need for code that converts one object type to another or provides custom formatting for output. Until C# 3.0 this was usually done by creating a wrapper class with static methods or worst by writing inline code that made those transformations on the spot. With C# 3.0 Microsoft introduced […]

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Earning a Microsoft Certification demonstrates the experience on using Microsoft products and platforms and technical problem-solving skills. To make it also reflect your job-related experience, the certification choosed must be dependant upon your current position or planned career path. As a result, a MS certification not only helps you stay up-to-speed on the latest Microsoft […]

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