Lotus Notes


Once we received the information from the web services, the next step was to parse that stream in order to get the necessary data. I needed a quick and easy way of doing this. After a little search on the existing solutions, I have chosen to use Xstream library. It’s simple to work with and […]

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Introduced in Lotus Notes 6, LS2J allows the use of Java code from Lotus Script. To use LS2J from within Notes, your Lotus Script code must include this line: UseLSX "*javacon"UseLSX "*javacon" This loads the LS2J Dynamic Link Library (DLL) on Win32 and registers all the Application Data Types (ADTs). Lotus Script provides a JavaSession […]

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In a previous article I wrote on how to work with Lotus Notes ListBox fields. Unfortunately these type of fields have a major drawback, their limit of only 32 kb of text. So if you want to display thousands of entries you must use an embedded view. This is an small example of using an […]

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Sometimes you wish to print the information contained in a Lotus Notes document. Lotus Notes offers such printing options, but if you have layout issues one solution would be to export into an word document. You can create an word document in Lotus Script using CreateObject(“Word.Application”) function. It only works on your computer if you […]

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I have spent some time recently trying to integrate Lotus Notes with an existing Java web services consumer. The web service consumer (ProjectRepository) was build on Apache Axis technology and provided the project names my application needed. So I created an Java agent that uses that existing code:

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Today I’ve update for testing Traveler from 8.5 to Traveler 8.5.1 – this process was made on Windows environment. To update Traveler first you have to update Domino server – that is simple following steps from self extracting installation (CZ5RTEN archive) – it detect actual version of Domino installed and if it is 8.5 it […]

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If you are using Domino and Lotus Notes is good to know that 8.5.1 release is available for download from IBM.

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