

Hello! In this tutorial I will tell you how to install and configure Liferay 6.2 with Eclipse.

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Wanting to implement a .jnlp jar for an application i run into this error that popped out in an error dialog “Uncaught System Error:org/apache/jaxme/JMElement” and after this, that project was blocked.

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If you want to add a feature in XWiki, something that you cannot already find implemented in XWiki code zone, you should go to the core of this platform. Implementing something new, means interacting , adding new elements to XWiki sources. It means configuring the wiki to recognize your new features and then creating a […]

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By default, accessing an HTTPS URL using the URL class results in an exception if the server’s certificate chain cannot be validated has not previously been installed in the trust store. Working with: Eclipse as platform, JAVA for the programming language Purpose: certificate yourself to a webservice so that you can perform operations and access […]

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