Ropardo was honored to be among the nominees in the final of the Gala ANIS event on January 28th at Athenee Palace Hilton Bucuresti. The event gathers every year the most performing Romanian software companies.

Ropardo CEO congratulates ANIS President
Our nominated ‘Outsourcing Project of the Year’ is a completely new product for award winning enterprise workforce planning solution to align it to preset expectations and current market demands: be responsive, compatible with popular devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets) regardless the operating system (Android, iOS), stay #1 user-friendly staffing app, flexible while being functional and reliable.
The reliable application is populated with complex modules: Authorisation , Dashboard, Managing Data, Support mechanism, Schedules, Managing scheduling data, Scheduling perspectives, Requests, Time registration, Workflow, Reports.
To achieve these objectives, ROPARDO has covered the full life cycle of custom software services and mastered state-of-the-art, high-quality technology JavaScript, MVC, CSS/HTML5, as well as Microsoft technologies / MVC paradigm.