

Have you ever thought of it as a way of establishing your unique identity? Well, our unique typing behavior is a way of identifying a person and it is currently exploited by identity and access management solutions.

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1. ORGANIZATORUL CONCURSULUI 1.1. Organizatorul Concursului “Sibiu Web Meetup 2022” (denumit în continuare “Concurs”) este SC ROPARDO SRL (denumită în continuare „Ropardo” sau „Organizatorul”), cu sediul în mun. Sibiu, Str. Reconstrucției, nr. 2A, jud. Sibiu, înmatriculată la Registrul Comerţului Sibiu sub nr. J32/403/1994, cod unic de înregistrare RO 5415866, telefon 0269231037, e-mail: office [at] ropardo […]

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You are by now familiar with our article series Pandemic Challenge on how to overcome the pandemic struggles in the workplace. We wrote this series of five articles from our perspective as a player in the IT industry driven by the wish to give something from our experience to the community. And what we are […]

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Starting out can be hard, especially in a roller coaster economy where industries are getting shut down with the speed of lightning. What seems safe today, may not be as safe tomorrow. More so for juniors, who will have to choose carefully amidst a not so friendly economic climate. So, what is still considered a […]

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Big tech companies such as Microsoft, Twitter or Amazon are increasingly adopting extended remote work or Work-From-Home policies. Their decision is viewed like a smoke signal and it’s being blown by the wind of change, opening up debates and discussions on an old theme. Why old? Well think about it…remote work is not a novelty. […]

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Stop seeing humans as simple resources. This is one thing that HR consultants all over the world are saying in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic. But let’s see what this pandemic context has really brought with regard to the employee experience era, shall we? As we are writing this down, we’ve already been through […]

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Continuous technological advancements have always been our core focus as part of a very dynamic IT industry. We based our activity on improved efficiency and on teams that work together to build custom solutions. But the pandemic reshaped a lot of things and the IT industry in Romania felt the changes, even though this industry […]

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It’s December 2019. A mysterious virus has surfaced in a Chinese seafood and poultry market. Even though the media is reporting dozens of infections in Wuhan, a province of China with more than 11 million citizens, Europe seems safe at this point, so does Romania (where we are located). We prepare for Christmas and enjoy […]

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1. ORGANIZATORUL CONCURSULUI 1.1. Organizatorul Concursului “Pandemic Challenge 2021” (denumit în continuare “Concurs”) este SC ROPARDO SRL (denumită în continuare „Ropardo” sau „Organizatorul”), cu sediul în mun. Sibiu, Str. Reconstrucției, nr. 2A, jud. Sibiu, înmatriculată la Registrul Comerţului Sibiu sub nr. J32/403/1994, cod unic de înregistrare RO 5415866, telefon 0269231037, e-mail:, legal reprezentată prin […]

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AngularJS framework is an open-source framework, based on JavaScript, for powerful web app development. AngularJS also provides server communication for backend of your application. AngularJS comes as a natural extension of our HTML capabilities. Our resourceful engineers develop fast and reliable AngularJS based website and front end for all areas of business. We have expertise […]

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