Software Development


The purpose is to gain access to the message information in code by extracting it from a raw email message. For this we will parse the content of the email using the IMessage interface.

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The official definition of the Decorator pattern from the GoF book (Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, 1995, Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison Wesley) says you can, “Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.”

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Did you ever write some code, compile & run your solution and then, when debugging, found a minor error (like an sql string syntax error) that messed up your code’s execution? Well, stopping the debugger, correcting the error, recompiling & running is the way to go, right? Wrong! Visual Studio has two tricks up it’s […]

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If you are using Domino and Lotus Notes is good to know that 8.5.1 release is available for download from IBM.

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XWiki is a growing open source wiki that can be easily used withing a corporate. It has many features that can be integrated in a wiki application with reliability for the user. XWiki is written in Java and supports a variety of datasources: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle etc.

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The contents of a particular drop down datawindow depends on the value of another drop down datawindow. For example we need to filter some employees based on the team they belong to. In the current datawindow, Teams will be a drop down datawindow whose contents depend on the value of another DDDW – Departments.

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The System.Diagnostics namespace contains five groups of classes that can help an programmer to debug and trace .NET applications. This five groups of classes have following uses : debugging tracing using of Windows event log performance monitoring process controlling This article will review the Debugger and Debug classes contained by first group of System.Diagnostics namespace.

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iText is a Java library for developers looking to enhance web- and other applications with dynamic PDF document generation and/or manipulation. Constructing tables with the iText library can be thought of as an easy task, but there is much more thought that should be put into this when generating large dynamic tables (variable number of […]

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In the project that I’m working now I needed a way to select multiple entries from a list and copy them to another list. To do this I created a form which contains two ListBox fields called listA and listB and a Button field named To. The entries of the two lists are computed using […]

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When using Hibernate in a project, correct configuration of the service is a must, otherwise errors won’t let you alone 🙂 Following the basic steps of configuration, I found myself facing an error, of which cause made no sense on the moment because I thought my configuration were correct. In the hibernate.cfg.xml file, sessionFactory was […]

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