Ropardo Solutions


I have recently attended a lecture on Agile Methods at the University of Bolzano, Italy. Jutta Eckstein, an expert on Agile Software Development, held an interesting introductory course on Agile Software Process Management at the CASE Summer School (2009). Based on her lecture, I decided to make a short presentation about what Agile Methods means.

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Ropardo SRL lunch his first open source software (LGLP): File Tracking Client. File Tracking is dedicated client for document and file management that offer: – document management / file management – versions- user security – file encryption – email notification – check in / out and use for tracking and tracing unique notation for files […]

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Every year Alma Mater University in Sibiu hosts the Student’s Session of Communication, a conference where students from the whole country gather to share their research outside the university environment. This year Ropardo was present with our research project TraSer Datatracking Client and was elected as the best project for the engineering section, receiving first […]

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iManagement application was extended in the last months with new functionalities and some of the basic behavior was much improved.

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This is the second extension session for application iManagement. Most of the modifications that were made are related to Tasks objects and interacting with them.

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