

Using checkboxes can become a pain when you want to get a default value for them, usually when they are not checked, because an unchecked checkbox will not be sent to the processing script regardless if it’s sent via POST or GET. The easiest way to deal with this

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In this post i will show you a easy way to add different header images for each page or post in your blog / website. The fastest way to achieve this is to use Custom Fields, this allows us to add additional meta information to posts. In the next example the header image it is […]

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This post is about encrypting / drecrypting data, files more exactly. After google-ing for a while i found this to be very usefull for what i needed. This class uses RIJNDAEL-256 block cipher, which is based on a symetric key algorithm, this means that it’s using the same key for encryption and decryption.

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Let’s assume that we have to build a price calculator for a osCommerce website, that needs to have price based on dimensions(input from user – length, width), attributes,
for each attribute there are more than 1 options with different prices for each option.

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