AJAX – increase your web speed


AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.) is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards. AJAX’s intention is to make web pages become faster and therefore more accepted, by doing background exchange of some small amounts of data with the server, in order to avoid the page to be reloaded on […]

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Several issues appeared when dealing (or not) with enconding in Python scripting. As a basic information in Python there are two types of string: unicode and byte strings. In theory everything in Python is treating Unicode strings the same as byte strings, but you have to be carefull in your code and understand when you […]

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Often it is useful to showcase a web application to potential customers allowing them to live test the application features. For this you need to publish and maintain a demo version with some relevant base data. A service application, triggered to run at a given time, basicly will clean the database by restoring it from […]

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In almost every project there is need for code that converts one object type to another or provides custom formatting for output. Until C# 3.0 this was usually done by creating a wrapper class with static methods or worst by writing inline code that made those transformations on the spot. With C# 3.0 Microsoft introduced […]

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Ropardo SRL lunch his first open source software (LGLP): File Tracking Client. File Tracking is dedicated client for document and file management that offer: – document management / file management – versions- user security – file encryption – email notification – check in / out and use for tracking and tracing unique notation for files […]

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After several months of development the Document Data-Tracking Client was released last week. It is an open-source desktop client application for the TraSer server and it is build upon the GUI4j framework. Also, it is available for download on Source Forge.

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If you need to install the WSF/PHP extension on a SUSE Linux with GCC 4.1.2 (pretty old) and receive some strange errors with missing libraries (even if you think / see they are there and even if you followed a la lettre the documentation) you may try the following approach:

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Every year Alma Mater University in Sibiu hosts the Student’s Session of Communication, a conference where students from the whole country gather to share their research outside the university environment. This year Ropardo was present with our research project TraSer Datatracking Client and was elected as the best project for the engineering section, receiving first […]

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Earning a Microsoft Certification demonstrates the experience on using Microsoft products and platforms and technical problem-solving skills. To make it also reflect your job-related experience, the certification choosed must be dependant upon your current position or planned career path. As a result, a MS certification not only helps you stay up-to-speed on the latest Microsoft […]

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From March 1st 2009 Wittmann & Partner Computer Systems S.R.L. will become ROPARDO S.R.L. Due to the synergy’s created in the last 2 years between Wittmann & Partner Computer Systems SRL and Ropardo AG – majority shareholder (51%) – since 1 March 2009 it was decided to start a re-branding campaign for Wittmann & Partner […]

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