Software Technologies


Well first of all you need some nodes, nodes that will be used as a platform for your docker services but we won’t cover the node installation only the configuration and the rancher part. I used 5 Coreos virtual machines as my nodes, with a NFS mapped partition for persistent data.

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GlassFish is a flexible, lightweight, and production-ready open-source application server built for the Java EE platform. We will see in the following how to deploy a specific .ear or .war file in Glassfish Payara 4 on different environments. There are two methods to do this: 1. Deployment by staging: install free software WinSCP and Putty […]

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When you need to run an ORACLE DB task every day the best choice is to use the Scheduler. Scheduled Jobs can be used to run PL/SQL Blocks, Stored Procedures or even scripts. To setup the job, we need to fill in some mandatory fields:

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In this post we are going to create RESTfull APIs using PHP framework Symfony 3. This will be exemplified on a “Car” entity. 1. Creating Symfony Application

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This article will present a method to display a custom language switcher in the desired position in menu when using WPML plugin for WordPress. One client wanted the language switcher (with two languages, Romanian and English) to be on the second position in menu and to show just the inactive language.

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Hello. In this article I will show you how to connect to a FTP server, get the files found there and save them into the Media Library of a Liferay Portal.

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Hello! In this tutorial I will show you how to create the following: Liferay Hook (using Liferay Hook Configuration) A custom Liferay Role using the Hook How to add permissions to the Liferay Role programmatically  

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     We live in a world where multitasking and productivity rules. We can access our favourite websites from wherever we are, no matter what devices are being used.

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Hello! In this tutorial I will tell you how to install and configure Liferay 6.2 with Eclipse.

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As you may know, Liferay 6.2 is using Bootstrap 2 together with an UI framework called AlloyUI. I believe we can all agree that this combination doesn’t really help with reaching the desired results anymore. Most of you feel the need for something more, something you are more familiar with, something like Bootstrap 3 (for […]

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