Sibiu Web Meetup


We really enjoyed this particular meetup that has all it needs to be worth attending and now listening to – juicy information, know-how, interaction, real-life situations, proven solutions. I was a pleasure to have Ben Bruda, tech lead and self-made developer, as speaker at Sibiu Web Meetup #24 about Pragmatic Refactoring told from his own […]

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Have you ever run into about this JavaScript error: Uncaught TypeError: person.speak is not a function at :1:8? Mihai Miuta, software developer, and our speaker at Sibiu Web Meetup #22 – Elm – Embracing the Functional Web, explained where it comes from, together with other similar examples, and showed how to fix regular function errors […]

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We enjoy face-to-face reunions and Sibiu Web Meetup #21 with the topic Zero Coupled Microservices presented by Radu Buciuceanu, developer for NerdsComputing, was the perfect excuse for it. Here is what we’ve learnt: What microservices are and what is their operation principle Pros and cons for various microservice architectures: monolith (one backend application) Partial and […]

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After a long series of online meetups, the first offline edition of Sibiu Web Meetup welcomed participants with a present-day topic , or shall we say future-proof topic since it is about Ethereum.

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How it all began Best stories are written when actors with a shared vision happen to be on the same stage. In this particular story, the actors are Stefan – our colleague and a web developer with a dream of having a web-related meetup in his hometown, and Ropardo, a local software development company working […]

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Sibiu Web Meetup #17 is one of the most interesting meetups so far because it tackles a topic of wide concern these days in the context of a massive digital transformation of almost any activity. That is why User Experience is a topic of ongoing interest not just in web development and web design, but […]

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Software is written by human beings therefore it happens to be prone to error. But that is why we have code review as a best-practice in software development that helps accelerate the process and ensure the quality of the result. Code Review – To do it or not to do it? It was the opening […]

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Have you ever thought of it as a way of establishing your unique identity? Well, our unique typing behavior is a way of identifying a person and it is currently exploited by identity and access management solutions.

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1. ORGANIZATORUL CONCURSULUI 1.1. Organizatorul Concursului “Sibiu Web Meetup 2022” (denumit în continuare “Concurs”) este SC ROPARDO SRL (denumită în continuare „Ropardo” sau „Organizatorul”), cu sediul în mun. Sibiu, Str. Reconstrucției, nr. 2A, jud. Sibiu, înmatriculată la Registrul Comerţului Sibiu sub nr. J32/403/1994, cod unic de înregistrare RO 5415866, telefon 0269231037, e-mail: office [at] ropardo […]

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Can you believe it? It’s been a whole year since we started Sibiu Web Meetup! It’s time to celebrate an incredible year of cool meetups, knowledge exchange and community building. A trip down memory lane It all started in November 2018. Sibiu Web Meetup was the first of the kind in our city at the […]

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