Web Development


  Yii is an open source, object-oriented, component-based MVC PHP web application framework. Yii is pronounced as “Yee” or [ji:] and it’s an acronym for “Yes It Is! The first thing you need in order to use the Yii Framework is access to a Web server with PHP installed, of course. But if you’re reading […]

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SQL injection as a matter of security can be approached from multiple angles. One must first be sure that the targeted application has a confidential database structure, since this is the main thing that makes SQL injection possible. Also, it’s important to notice that SQL injection is not something that happens arbitrary or from time […]

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If you want to enable Server Filtering on Kendo Grid, first step is to tell Kendo that you want to enable that functionality because, by default, the data source performs filtering on client side. var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({ transport: { read: function (options) { var filter = options.data.filter; /* send the filter to the […]

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If you’ve worked with AngularJS you most definitely have found yourself in the situation of using templates. While good for release and keeping your code clean, templates can often times pose a problem while developing. Since AngularJS has an implemented cache method, everytime you modfidy a template it will load from cache, therefore not allowing […]

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If you find yourself googling in order to make your new local server work online, you’ve come to the right place. Most Web Server packages today (WAMP, XAMPP or Uniform Server) are configured to work with the “old” Apache 2.2 version and have a major flaw. Since 2.4, Apache has dropped the directive “Allow” in […]

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Using checkboxes can become a pain when you want to get a default value for them, usually when they are not checked, because an unchecked checkbox will not be sent to the processing script regardless if it’s sent via POST or GET. The easiest way to deal with this

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There are many examples of how you could use a ComboBox as a RadGrid filter but if you would like to use check boxes inside that ComboBox you’ve got your work cut out for you. This article is going to make you life easier and give you an example of how you could achieve that. 

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The Telerik ComboBox for ASP.NET allows you to define an ItemTemplate which gives you the possibility to customize the appearance and functionality of the ComboBox. This article provides an example on how to place a multi-select TreeView inside an ItemTemplate, handling the selection on client side and how to process the data on the server […]

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The Telerik RadGrid for ASP.NET Ajax allows custom filtering on date columns by using JavaScript.

The user will normally need to be able to filter the date columns by writing a date inside the RadDateInput control and then pressing a key (e.g. Enter) or by choosing a date from the DatePicker filter control. Date validation can be done before actually doing the filtering. Also, other checks can be performed according to the logic of the application.

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Uploading a file in a project using GWT/EXT-GWT can be done in 2 ways : creating a separate servlet or using a library like the one presented here. Normally, because of browser security restrictions you can’t upload a file using RPC. But normally doesn’t mean never. This article will show you how to upload files […]

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