

As I reflect on my experience at Bits & Pretzels 2024, I’m inspired by the immense potential of Europe’s startup ecosystem. After spending more than 20 years in tech, you’d think I’d seen it all – but what I witnessed there left me genuinely amazed. The energy was electric, and the innovations I saw, combined […]

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In this article we introduce our hands-on experiment with universaAAL platform within NESTORE project. NESTORE proposes to support healthy older people to sustain their wellbeing and capacity to live independently by promoting customized pathway to wellbeing. Technically speaking, NESTORE’s ambitious objective is to develop an innovative, multi-dimensional, cross-disciplinary and personalized coaching system that, leveraging ICT […]

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The Internet-of-Things era is unrolling before our eyes and we are all the beneficiaries of the innovation it brings, whether it’s at home, at work, in the streets or in our cars. In general, it is meant to make things simpler for us. But there is one area where it does more than that: it makes us aware of our lifestyle with long-term benefits for our health.

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As we speak, we are witnesses of the Internet of Things changing our world into a smarter place for us to live and work in. An impactful part of the larger IoT system is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) which integrates “things” to built solutions for the business environment. The logic behind the Industrial […]

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Love for software and continuous engagement in creating it can only deliver beautiful results. And Digital Enterprise Show in Madrid, unfolding on 21-23 May 2019, is the perfect occasion for us to showcase our highly performing digital solutions from the speakers’ deck.

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We take greatest pride in sitting next to pioneers in digital solutions, creating and living the software revolution. We engage our software engineering expertise in crafting advanced software systems for business partners to benefit from exceptional customer experiences, competitive edge and revenue growth. This is our mission…and ROHEALTH fully reflects it.

ROHEALTH brings together forces: software development, industry know-how, national health system, healthcare providers, and moves things. […]

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Introducing eHealth is an area of expertise for Ropardo R&I Center having successfully developed a series of results (algorithms, architectures) to serve health purposes in various life areas: work, physical activities, fun. Ropardo is excited to announce the launch of, a user-centric health integration platform that enables healthcare providers, medical device manufacturers, health […]

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